Research and Analysis

The Research & Analysis Unit is part of the Program Integrity and Analysis Section. The Unit is responsible for mandatory federal reporting, performance measurement, and ad hoc data requests and information support for DPA, DOH administration, the Legislature, and the public and media.

Research & Analysis Mission Statement

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Summary Reports

Summary reports include statistics about DPA’s core programs (Adult Public Assistance, Alaska Temporary Assistance, Medicaid, Food Stamps, General Relief Assistance, and Senior Benefits), including demographic information, caseloads, benefit expenditures, and an overview of program performance.

Initial Applications

These reports show the number of applications received each month by program and office. Programs include Adult Public Assistance, Alaska Temporary Assistance, Food Stamps, General Relief Assistance, Interim Assistance, and Medicaid.

Child Care Reports

Reports include data on CCAP expenditures, families and children caseload, and providers (count, capacity, and participation in the CCA and CCG programs).

Work Services Reports

Work Services reports measure the performance of DPAWS and contractor offices in administering Work Services.

Benefit Accuracy Performance

Tables that show the accuracy rates of the eligibility decisions, and conversely the error rates, that result from samples of five DPA programs that are reviewed by the DPA Quality Assessment Reviewers. Additionally, the first file in the list is the state-by-state ranking of Food Stamp error rates, and the last file in the list contains the results of a separate sample of Food Stamp households reviewed by the DPA Regional Reviewers.