DPAweb Software Update

Last weekend, the software behind DPAweb was upgraded to address some security concerns. Unfortunately, the Theme that was being used to define the “look and feel” of the site is no longer being maintained and cannot be used for security reasons. While the website looks different this week, it should still be fully functional.

We will be evaluating and testing other Themes and hope to install a design that’s closer to the original DPAweb look and feel soon.

Formal Field Services Training Revamped!

Staff Development and Training (SD&T) has revamped the CORE training for Field Services staff! We have been looking at ways to retain staff AND it begins with a strong training foundation.

SD&T worked with Field Services subject matter experts to improve the delivery of training. In addition, Policy and Program Development has reviewed and provided recommendations to the draft training.

Remember, SD&T will travel to the requesting office to conduct training so new hires rarely need to travel to Anchorage for classroom training- SD&T comes to you! (more)

Happy New Year!

As I mentioned in my Thanksgiving message, that was a time for looking back and reflecting. For me, I experience the exact opposite as I head into the “New Year” – This is a time of hope and action and looking forward not backwards. I don’t know about you, but I can’t hibernate, I need to invigorate myself during the shorter days. I experience an inner giddiness when the sun shines ever so briefly here in Southeast. I feel a renewed sense that spring is actually on the way and I can’t hide my excitement when we begin gaining even 2 minutes of light a day- change is in the air! (more)

Field Services Successful October and November!

Here is a snapshot of the successful accomplishments for our Field Offices during October and into November:

  1. Our Central and Coastal Regions rolled into statewide non-lobby (NL) work AND they have been able to clear their lobbies so they can contribute staff to our statewide NL efforts!  This is quite the achievement since they were needing to close their lobbies early prior to joining the statewide effort, and for them to already be contributing staff to our NonLobby work is a testament to what we can achieve as a team! DPA Field Services did several things to make this successful: we pulled together to do a lobby “reset” where staff from other offices inserted interviews from Gambell into their own office work; and you pushed really hard to complete all of Central and Coastal Regions’ recertifications for November which significantly decreased the lobby flow for November.  Lastly, with the assistance of our Information Technology (I.T.) staff, they brainstormed a solution for our slow Z drive issues. They tested a solution and then implemented it for us so the Z drive is performing faster so we could complete our work more timely- so THANK YOU I.T.!