Director's Office

Deb Etheridge

Director of Public Assistance

“We promote self-sufficiency and provide basic living
expenses to Alaskans in need.”

The Director's office oversees the Division's four Sections: Field Services, Operations Support, Program Integrity and Analysis and Policy, Child Care, Family Nutrition programs, and Program Development.

Staff in the Director's office handle communications, budget planning, legislative affairs, complaints, Disaster Recovery planning and contacts, DPA Stars, Employee Recognitions, and Fair Hearing appeals.

Phone: 907-465-2680 Fax: 907-465-5154

Director's office staff



  • DPA Stars - an initiative to spotlight members of our Division who deserve recognition for their hard work.


  • All Manager Meetings Formats (Word)
  • Cal-JNU-HSS-DPA Calendar This Calendar is for events in DPA and meetings of the Leadership team. To add an event send it to Kari Lindsey Kari Lindsey
  • Cal-JNU-HSS-DPA Managers Out of Office Leave and Travel Calendar - Access Restricted) For permissions send a request to Kari Lindsey
    NOTE: Use Outlook to view the above calendars.