Department of Health and Social Services
Division of Public Assistance



MANUAL: Work Services Procedure Manual (WSPM)

DATE:  March 18, 2014

This manual change includes information needed by Work Services Providers as they implement On the Job Training (OJT) and support clients in accessing Discovery Services.

On the Job Training is an employer-based training program that reimburses employers for the costs of training a Temporary Assistance client for permanent, unsubsidized employment. OJT is an established program that has been used to support Alaska Temporary Assistance Program (ATAP) clients for many years. Information on OJT most recently appeared in the “Employer Based Training Guide” (June 2004) posted on DPAweb. OJT procedures in Manual Section 1013 have been updated for Work First and Families First Work Services Provider use.

Discovery Services include a range of evaluation, planning and coordination activities to support Families First clients to become employed.

Discovery Services will be available soon for ATAP Families First clients experiencing multiple or profound challenges to employment. Discovery Services procedures in Manual Section 1023 have been updated to reflect information needed by Work Services case managers in discussing, referring, documenting and supporting clients as they receive a range of Discovery Services.

Highlights of these updated procedures are described below.  If you have any questions please contact the Work Services Policy Team at or


MS 1013 On the Job Training

• New section provides guidance on On-the-Job Training program as administered by Work Services Providers.

• Includes On the Job Training information from the “Employer Based Training Guide” updated for Work First and Families First services.

• Includes information on eligible employers, duration of placements, conditions of training, contracts and payment of employers.

• Includes information on the roles of job developers and employers, and procedures for supporting clients and employers during OJT.

• Includes procedures for reimbursement of Work Services Providers for payments made to employers through OJT.

MS 1013-1 OJT Purpose, Outcomes and Performance Measures
MS 1013-2 Terms and Conditions of OJT
MS 1013-3 OJT Placement Process
MS 1013-4 OJT Forms

MS 1023 Discovery Services

• Retitled section as “Discovery Services”

• Combines information previously contained in Manual Sections 1023, 1024, 1026, and 1027 into a single section.

• Includes information on the continuum of Discovery Services including Discovery, Profile, Employment Planning Meeting, Portfolio, and Customized employment as carried out by the Discovery Specialist.

• Includes information on role of the case managers and job developers, and procedures for referral to Discovery and support of clients receiving Discovery Services.

• Includes examples of Client Notes documentation.

MS 1023-1 Discovery Services Definitions
MS 1023-2 Case Management of Clients Receiving Discovery Services
MS 1023-3 Overview of Roles During Discovery Services
MS 1023-4 Discovery Services Client Eligibility and Referral Criteria
MS 1023-5 Discovery Services Referral
MS 1023-6 Case Management and Discovery Services Initiation
MS 1023-7 Discovery Activities
MS 1023-8 Profile Development
MS 1023-9 Coordinating the Employment Planning Meeting (EPM)
MS 1023-10 Portfolio Development
MS 1023-11 Customized Employment (CE)
MS 1023-12 Post-Employment Follow-up

Manual Sections 1024, 1026, and 1027  

• These chapters are now identified as “RESERVED”

• Information previously in these chapters and needed by Work Services Providers has been incorporated into Chapter 1023 Discovery Services.

• Information needed only by Discovery Specialists has been removed from the body of the WSPM.