The EPM is a structured meeting that requires pre-planning. The DS holds primary responsibility for the EPM scheduling, coordination, facilitation, formalizing the Employment Plan and follow-up. The meeting will be scheduled 2-3 weeks in advance, to take place during week 8 of the Discovery time period.

1023-9 A.   EPM Preparation, Scheduling and Invitations

1. List of Invitees

The DS and the job seeker jointly develop a list of EPM invitees. Minimum attendance at the EPM includes the job seeker, the CM, the DS, and a natural support or paid service provider. In addition, a second or back-up DS is designated to be a note taker during the meeting.


If a second DS is not available in the local community, the EPM attendees will designate a note taker.

2.  Contacting Invitees

The DS contacts invitees and confirms a date/time that ensures the highest attendance (the EPM is a 2 ½ hour meeting). The DS follows-up, by e-mailing and/or hand-delivering selected invitees a confirmed date/time/place.

3.  Written Meeting Announcement

The DS will distribute/send out a formal EPM announcement to invited attendees at least 2 weeks in advance of the meeting, targeting week 8 of the Discovery time period.


The CM must file the EPM announcement in the FF client’s hard copy file and document its receipt as a CLNO in CMS.


1023-9 B.   Preparing EPM Attendees for Meeting

1. Distribute Profile

The DS will distribute paper or scanned copies of the Profile to the CM and other EPM attendees at least 5 days in advance of the meeting for review by the CM.


The CM must file the Profile in the FF client’s hard copy file and document its receipt as a CLNO in CMS.


2. Releases of Information

The DS will ensure ROIs are current for all invited EPM attendees. The DS will also provide original ROI forms to the CM as well as distribute copies to all EPM attendees.


The CM must file all original ROI forms in the FF client’s hard copy file and document their receipt as a CLNO in CMS.


1023-9 C.   Steps to the Employment Plan

The DS will set-up and facilitate the meeting. The following is the general components or steps that lead to Employment Plan development during the meeting and formalized by the DS

Characteristics of the Ideal Job / Conditions:
The DS asks attendees to describe characteristics of the job seeker’s ideal job in terms of conditions needed to retain a job.

Characteristics of the Ideal Job / Interests:
The DS asks attendees to identify broad areas of work interests, including as an example: office work.

Characteristics of the Ideal Job / Contributions:
The DS asks attendees to describe and list the job seeker’s contributions to an employment situation, as an example: a personality trait.

The DS asks attendees to identify the types of job tasks that can be performed by the job seeker, that are needed in the local area, and that meet the job seeker’s ideal characteristics.

The Employer List:
The final component of the EPM leading to the job seeker’s Employment Plan, is to develop an employer list. The employer list is based on the job seeker’s field or areas of work interest and his/her task contributions. Meeting attendees are identified that may have connections with employers.


The CM must document his/her attendance and participation as a CLNO is CMS.

The EPM requires specific steps to conclude the meeting that lead into activities that follow, including pursuit of employment options.

1023-9 D.   EPM Follow-Up

1. Distribute Employment Plan

The DS will distribute the completed Employment Plan to all EPM attendees within 5 business days following the EPM.


The CM must file the Employment Plan in the FF client’s hard copy file and document its receipt as a CLNO in CMS.

2.Level II Employment Assistance

If the job seeker selects Level II employment assistance, the CM must carry out primary case management duties to assist the FF client and make provider referrals to employment specialists, including a job developer to support the FF client as appropriate in their work pursuit. The DS may be contacted during this process, including carrying out meetings with the DS as a resource to provide additional support in the FF client/job seeker’s work pursuit.

3. Level I Employment Assistance

If the job seeker selects Level I employment assistance, the CM must carry out primary case management duties and support the job seeker and DS in the job customization process at the stage when an employer is considering a hire. The CM must attend negotiation meetings with the DS, or alone with the FF client and DS as needed and appropriate when a potential hire is under consideration (see WSPM MS 1023-11 ).


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MC #4 (03/15)