The DS completes a written Profile based on what is learned during Discovery conversational interviews and brief informal observations. The Profile is used as a tool to guide the EPM. In addition, the level of employment assistance the FF client needs to pursue employment is determined. Each FF client’s level of employment assistance will be individualized based on the outcome of Discovery, in particular his/her specific identified work contributions and conditions (things needed by the FF client, or things to be avoided in order to make employment successful). Once the full Profile is written and reviewed with the FF client as a job seeker; the job seeker selects the level of assistance necessary to move toward employment. The following are two options for levels of employment assistance:

1023-8 A.     Level I

Level I job seekers require customization of employment. The job seeker determines the level of employment support needed based on the outcomes of Discovery activities. Level I employment support is coordinated by the DS, requiring the DS to negotiate a job with potential employers on behalf of the job seeker. The goal is to create a customized job that is a match between the job seeker’s work interests, contributions, conditions and an employer. The job seeker may need a fully or partially customized job.

Determining Level I - Employment Assistance

Job seekers who typically select Level I employment assistance have experienced or are experiencing life circumstances that have removed them from the workforce and/or are faced with one or more issues that impact their employability in the traditional labor market. For example, the job seeker may have family obligations and issues that warrant a tailored job situation, limited or complex work skills that do not fit traditional job duties, or a condition(s) that requires flexibility in work tasks, schedule and settings.

Based on the communication skills and choice of the job seeker, he/she may participate in some portion of the job negotiation process.

1023-8 B.    Level II

Job seekers that select Level II employment assistance do not require any level of customization of their jobs based on the outcome of Discovery, and are able to pursue a traditional job. Level II employment assistance is coordinated by the CM, requiring the CM to potentially collaborate with other employment specialists and utilize regular job development services as needed. The job seeker may require varying levels of support to obtain and retain traditional employment through competitive recruitment. Level II includes self-employment options.

Determining Level II Employment Assistance

Job seekers who typically select Level II employment support have a strong history of obtaining and retaining traditional employment (including self-employment). Life circumstances have removed them from the workforce; however their issues have been resolved or diminished. For example, the job seeker’s personal or family obligations do not present as barriers to pursuing work in the traditional labor market, he/she meets all qualifications and requirements of traditional job positions, or needs minimal flexibility or support in initiating, planning, organizing, and carrying out assigned job tasks.

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MC #2 (03/14)