Discovery conversational interviews and informal observations are generally carried out within 20 hours. Some FF clients may require fewer hours, or more, individualized to their circumstances. Discovery is initiated by the DS through an introductory visit, followed by additional visits with the client always in a place or location that is convenient and comfortable for the FF client. In addition to talking with the FF client, the DS visits with other individuals that know the client well and can provide an “outside” view of the FF client’s strengths, abilities and things they may need to make a work situation successful. Any individual selected to visit with the DS is selected at the FF client’s discretion and all information shared is shared with the FF client. Furthermore, the FF client has the option to be present for such visits.


During Discovery activities if FST meetings are scheduled as needed. The DS must be invited to participate and update FST members as to the progress of Discovery. In addition, the CM or members of the FST may be requested to participate in talking with the DS as part of the Discovery process. If the CM is asked to contribute to Discovery through such contact, the CM must document the contact with the DS as a Client Note (CLNO) in CMS.


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MC #4 (03/15)