At the CE phase of the continuum of Discovery Services the DS meets with employers who may be a potential match with the job seeker’s areas of work interest, contributions and conditions. The DS learns about the employer’s business, introduces the concept of job customization, presents the job seeker’s portfolio, and ultimately works to create a job that is a match that benefits both the job seeker and employer.

If an employer wishes to pursue the idea of customizing a job for an FF client, the DS negotiates a customized job description that matches the job seeker’s interests, work contributions and conditions that are identified in the Employment Plan, including wages, benefits, work schedules and necessary accommodations. Hiring an employee through Discovery services has many benefits, the greatest being that an employee is specifically matched to job tasks in which he/she can be predictably successful. In addition, the employer has an increased familiarity with the job seeker’s personality and abilities learned through Discovery process.

The DS will coordinate some meetings with employers or alone with FF client during the CE process that require the expertise of the CM and/or a job developer. In such cases, the CM and/or job developer must attend as an information resource, and service coordinator. make referrals to address all appropriate job supports needed by the FF client/job seeker, and to jointly create post-employment support plans.


The employment negotiation carried out by the DS is highly unique based on both the Discovery and CE aspect to the process. Discovery Specialists do not carry out regular job development duties, such as job coaching and intensive job coaching, job matching, job placement, or job referrals. Regular job development activities are coordinated collaboratively by the CM and a job developer Work Services provider staff on behalf of the FF client during the stage of negotiating a customized job and post-hire, as needed.

Once an employer makes a decision to proceed with negotiating a job and initiating a customized employment relationship, the DS assists the job seeker to collect information that is required as part of employer pre-screening requirements (ex: background checks, copies of ID, references, a resume, etc.). Additionally, the DS is responsible for assisting the employer as needed to develop a hiring agreement that matches the job seeker’s work contributions and conditions. The hiring agreement may include development of a customized job description and training plan.


It may be appropriate for the FF client to complete a background check prior to the EPM, particularly if a client has legal issues that create barriers to specific fields of employment, work setting or job tasks.

There is always potential for the employer or, for that matter, the job seeker, to decline the hiring agreement. Once the employer makes the official offer to hire and the job seeker has accepted, the DS will forward the job description, training plan and hiring agreement to the CM as a record in the FF client’s hard copy file.


All job negotiation meetings attended by the CM must be documented as CLNOs in CMS.


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MC #4 (03/15)