Post-employment the DS ensures follow-up support is provided to the job seeker (now referred to as the “employee”) through contact with the employee, the employer, and the CM as needed. It is critical that proper support be provided for job retention. Both the client and employer benefit from such support, especially when a customized job is implemented.

The level and frequency of support is based the employment situation and the life circumstances experienced by the employee. If the FF client selects Level 1 employment assistance it is the responsibility of the DS to do a post-employment follow-up plan through a meeting between the employer, the employee (FF client), the DS, the CM and/or a job developer. The DS then will incorporate the plan into the new employee’s Hiring Agreement and provide copies of the Hiring Agreement to all involved in post-employment follow-up support.

It is the responsibility of the CM to determine the level of support needed for job seekers who receive Level II employment assistance, and incorporate a follow-up plan in his/her FSSP. Most follow-up will be concluded within 6 months of the new hire, but more typical will be 12 months to ensure job retention.

1023-12 A.  Schedule for Follow Up Support

The DS will determine a frequency of follow-up meetings to match the unique circumstances of the placement. The plan must be in place by the new employee’s start date.

The DS will ensure at a minimum that a follow-up meeting is scheduled to occur 2 weeks post-hire at a date, time and place agreed upon by the new employee, employer and the CM.

The DS must offer (the employer) assistance to develop a tentative follow-up plan for additional meetings between the new employee, the employer, the CM and potentially a job developer. The following is an example of follow-up meeting intervals: 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. The targeted follow-up including the DS at these meetings is 6 months, transitioning to the CM thereafter, as needed for job retention.

1023-12 B.  Content of Follow Up Efforts

It is important that the DS and CM follow-up on:

• Progress meeting customized job tasks and training

• Goodness of fit of individual with culture of work setting

• Work schedule, requirements and any adjustments needed

• Next steps in working toward job retention

In addition to following the Hiring Agreement’s plan for follow-up, the new employee may require support as needed, post-hire.

The DS and CM may schedule joint meetings with the new employee, independent of or including the employer as needed during the post-hire period. The new employee may likewise, initiate these meetings for additional employment support.

The CM must schedule FST meetings as needed post-hire, ranging from the hiring date to 24 months to ensure continued stability of the client/family’s circumstances. Follow-up may continue as long as the client continues to be an ATAP-Work Services recipient.


Any follow-up contact between the CM and the DS, employer, employee and the FST must be documented as a CLNO in CMS.


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MC #2 (03/14)