Discovery: Discovery is a non-judgmental, strengths-based form of functional assessment that involves learning about how the FF client carries out regular tasks and activities that are then translated into potential job skills. For details see MS 1023-7. 

The FF Client is considered a “participant” in Discovery services.

Profile: Discovery findings are summarized in a written narrative called a “Profile.” The DS develops the Profile which provides a descriptive picture of the FF client, written with a positive perspective, presenting the FF client at their best as opposed to traditional evaluations that compare an individual to set standards. For details see MS 1023-8. 

Time required of FF client: The DS meets with the FF client during Discovery activities and Profile writing 3-6 hours per week, maximum of 20 hours total over a period of 6-8 weeks.

At the next stage of the Employment Planning Meeting, the FF client is considered a “job seeker.”

Employment Planning Meeting: Discovery and Profile writing are concluded with the Employment Planning Meeting (EPM). Meeting attendees consist at minimum of the job seeker, DS, CM, and a natural support (family, friend or unpaid advocate) or paid service provider. The EPM attendees use the job seeker’s Profile to develop a priority list of businesses that are a potential match to the job seeker’s work interests, contributions and conditions. The DS takes on primary responsibility to plan, coordinate and facilitate the EPM; including writing a formalized Employment Plan. For details see MS 1023-9.

Time required of the FF client: The FF client participates in approximately 4-5 hours maximum to prepare for and participate in the EPM.

Portfolio: If the job seeker is pursuing job customization through negotiation with employers, the EPM is followed up by the creation of a portfolio.  The Portfolio serves as a “visual resume” or representational tool for use in job negotiation. The job seeker may decline use of a portfolio. For details see MS 1023-10.

Time required of the FF client: The FF client participates in approximately 4-5 hours maximum to provide input and finalize the Portfolio.

Customized Employment: Customized Employment (CE) is a series of activities which culminate in the creation of a successful employment relationship that is mutually beneficial to the employer and job seeker. The goal is to negotiate a customized job position rather than pursue posted employment recruitment notices. The ultimate outcome of negotiations is to create a customized job that matches the business needs and culture, as well as the job seeker’s work interests, contributions and conditions of employment. For details see MS 1023-11.

Time required of the FF client: The FF client participates in approximately 4-5 hours maximum, over a period of approximately 4-6 weeks to provide input during job negotiation, meet with the employer, and compile and complete employment forms and documentation.

All job seekers who receive Discovery services are eligible to receive follow-up employment support provided collaboratively by the DS and CM.

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