Throughout the implementation of the continuum of Discovery services the CM continues regular FF case management services and documentation of activities.

1023-2 A.     Case Management Supports

The CM supports client participation and provides service coordination as needed to maintain stability of the client/family. The DS and CM have equal responsibility to communicate throughout the provision of Discovery services. This is of particular importance should questions or situations surface that affect the FF client’s ability to participate in Discovery services as outlined in his/her FSSP or IFSSP.

The CM  works with the client to develop an FSSP  or IFSSP  that is achievable, balancing Discovery service appointments with other services identified in the client’s plan. Case managers may encourage Discovery participants to include other countable and non-countable activities as long as the FF client can complete required Discovery activity hours. While CMs help set high expectations and multiple activities may be identified on the FSSP , work activities  that have potential to interfere with the client’s participation in Discovery services will be postponed until the client is engaged and making progress towards employment through Discovery services. Because Discovery is part of the job search process, clients must not engage in a traditional job search during participation in Discovery. Job readiness activities are allowable.

In cases where the client does not follow through or participate in Discovery, the CM evaluates the appropriateness of the referral to Discovery services. The CM should also evaluate the client’s situation for possible exemption from work activity and good cause (ATAP 723-3A). The CM may assign an alternate activity or request penalty as appropriate.  

Throughout the implementation of the of Discovery services, the CM must ensure regular documentation (CMS and the FF client’s hard copy file) typical of the CMs role under Work Services. In the sections that follow, examples of CLNOs are noted.

1023-2 B.    Discovery Services as Work Activity

Activities in the continuum of Discovery services are countable work activities for ATAP Work Services.  

Discovery service hours in which the FF client participates are “Structured Work Search” (J3) and must be entered as countable work activities in CMS.

In some cases, the FF client may participate in an unpaid work experience as part of Discovery services, in which case the participation would be classified or coded as “Work Experience” (WX).

The CM will follow work activity verification procedures using the FF client’s work activity calendar or other record as documentation of time the client spends engaged in Discovery activities.


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MC #4 (03/15)