A.    Families First (FF) Client
The FF client engages in Discovery conversations and brief informal observation, guides the Discovery process by being the key-decision maker, and attends meetings as needed to collaboratively work toward employment.

B.    Families First (FF) Case Manager
The CM continues to provide regular case management services to the FF client. He/she keeps regular contact with the DS to follow the progress of Discovery services, attends employment planning and job negotiation meetings as needed, and ensures employment follow-up support. In addition, the CM documents the status of Discovery services, using Client Notes and incorporating specific Discovery services records in the FF client’s hard copy file.

C.     Discovery Specialist (DS)
The DS carries out the continuum of Discovery services, communicates with the CM regarding Discovery progress and client participation, coordinates employment planning meetings, ensures the development of portfolios, customizes jobs through negotiation with employers, develops and implements hiring agreements and employment follow-up support plans.

D.    Discovery Services Coordinator (DSC)
The DSC provides consultation and technical assistance to the DS, is a resource regarding Discovery services and sample materials, processes and makes determinations on all Discovery service referrals, acts as a liaison with DS, CM and FF client, and ensures oversight to the continuum of Discovery services.

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MC #2 (03/14)