The continuum of Discovery services is available to any FF client that meets Discovery services eligibility and referral criteria. Generally, clients who benefit from Discovery services experience challenges in obtaining or retaining employment based on personal or family circumstances that present as barriers to their employability. Discovery service hours and activities are individualized based on the client’s situation and need. Some FF clients who are willing to participate in the continuum of Discovery services may only work with the DS through the employment planning stage, and some may continue on with the DS to develop a portfolio and negotiate a customized job.


If a FF  client meets Discovery service eligibility prerequisites and referral criteria, the CM  is required to refer the client for Discovery services. If the DSC approves the referral, the CM will recommend and inform the client of the availability and benefit of Discovery services. Client willingness to participate in Discovery as a work activity must be ensured through his/her written signature on the FSSP.

1023-4 A.    Discovery Services Eligibility Prerequisites

CMS records must reflect and document that the FF client has completed the FF track intake process, including the following:

1. Employability Assessment:

• Employment Planning Information form (EPI)

• Family Network

• Weekly Routines/Calendar

2. Family Self-Sufficiency Plan (FSSP) (see WSPM MS 1008)

3. An Informed Family Self-Sufficiency Plan (IFSSP), if needed and appropriate. (see WSPM MS 1008-4)

1023-4 B.    Identification and Referral for Discovery Services

If the above prerequisites are met, the CM may proceed with identifying FF clients who may meet Discovery services identification and referral criteria.

1.  Initial Identification of Discovery Participants

Clients typically benefit from Discovery services when their life circumstances present as barriers to their employability. Such clients have individualized employment needs that challenge their ability to meet requirements associated with the traditional labor market work search. They may experience one or more issues that require potential customization of a job to fit their specific personal and family situation that impacts employability. To be identified as a potential candidate for Discovery services referral, the FF client must present with one or more of the issues listed below (not all inclusive):

• Personal or family issues that cause inability to consistently carry out required job tasks, schedules or duties (ex: client has significant medical condition or child has a disability)

• Scattered employment (ex: gaps, multiple changes, focus of type/field of work)

• Chronic history of work dissatisfaction (ex: may be shown by history of work termination or job quit)

• Work interests unclear (ex: client may express confusion about direction of job pursuit, or a lack of motivation to move toward employment)

• Work interests are strong, but client skills do not exhibit ability or skill to match (ex: client has interest in helping others, but lacks social initiative)

• Specific work challenges/needs must be identified (ex: distracted by noises, has negative reaction to busy work settings, requires varied or flexible work hours)

• Skills appear limited, unclear or the client performs inconsistently (ex: limited work history, or employer evaluation is poor)


The DSC may be contacted directly to discuss Discovery participant identification if the CM or the CM’s supervisor has questions. In addition, the DSC is a resource for visual and written materials for CM use to acquaint an FF client with Discovery services.

2. Consideration of Benefits of Discovery Services

If the FF client experiences one or more of the above listed issues, the CM must consider the benefits of Discovery in relation to the client’s situation. Through Discovery conversational interviews and brief informal observations, the DS learns about the FF client’s:

• Activity and work setting interests

• Personality traits and communication style

• Educational and other achievements

• Work experiences of high interest and competence

• Strengths, skills, abilities

• Special talents

• Client needs in a job, or things to be avoided in a job/setting

3. Referral Participation Requirements

If the FF client meets the criteria in 1023-4, 1 A-C, 2A then the CM must ensure Discovery services referral participation requirements are met. Meeting the following requirements provides some assurance of the ability of the FF client to participate fully in Discovery services, leading to a successful employment outcome. The FF client must show prior to the date of Discovery referral:

•  A follow through on appointments or;

• Based on the CM’s judgment, that the client demonstrates readiness to participate in Discovery, as a unique employment service option and;

• Current personal and family circumstances are deemed manageable for a period of 6 months

• Work pursuit is determined to be a feasible activity using Discovery services

• Reasonable knowledge that the client has no active or pending legal issues involving a violent crime and no current issues with alcohol abuse or illegal drug use

1023-4 C.    Requirement to Recommend Discovery Services to FF Clients

It is required that if an FF  client meets Discovery services referral prerequisites, identification and participation requirements, the CM  must inform the client regarding the availability and benefits of Discovery services provided by DPA ’s Discovery Specialists, as authorized vendors. After the DSC has determined a referral is approved, the CM must recommend Discovery services at the client’s next appointment with the CM or within 30 days. The CM  must review the Discovery services continuum, service benefits and record of this recommendation made by the CM must be documented as a CLNO in CMS, including the outcome.


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MC #4 (03/15)