The DSC is responsible as the single Point of Contact (POC) for processing and responding to all Discovery service inquiries, consults, and referrals; statewide, across all regions. The Discovery Services Coordinator (DSC) will make determinations to approve or deny all Discovery services referrals/requests.  If CMs or any agency representative has questions regarding the continuum of Discovery services, the referral criteria or determinations made, they must be directed to the DSC.


After FF client identification, the Discovery referral process must be expedited to reduce the chance of change in the FF client and family’s status, to maintain the client’s interest and to move the Discovery process forward in a timely manner.

Time line for Discovery Services Referral Steps:

Week 1 – Work Services CM and POC process referral and submit to the DSC.

Week 2 – The DSC processes Discovery services referral and makes referral determination.

Week 3 – The DSC assigns a DS to work with the referred FF client and the DS makes initial contact with both the CM and the client.

1023-5 A.   Complete Discovery Services Referral Checklist

After the CM has identified a client as appropriate for Discovery services referral, the CM  is required to complete the Discovery Services Referral Checklist. The form must be submitted the same day to the CM s designated Regional Point of Contact (POC).


The CM  must document completion and submission of the Checklist form to the POC as a CLNO  in CMS . Date on the completed Checklist must match CLNO  entry date.

1023-5 B.   Submission of Discovery Referral Documents  

The POC sends the Checklist within 5 business days of the date on the Checklist per the DSC’s direction for sending confidential information.


The POC  documents the date the Checklist form is sent to the DSC as a CLNO  in CMS .

1023-5 C.   Referral Review

The DSC  will review the Checklist form as well as CMS  documentation. Incomplete referrals (inadequate documentation) or referrals that do not meet referral criteria may be denied. If denied, the referral may be resubmitted as a re-referral, reflecting the new referral date. FF  clients may only be re-referred to Discovery twice each year during their ATAP  eligibility period.


Regional POCs and the DSC may communicate at any point to discuss a Discovery services referral in order to provide clarification as necessary. New referrals will be assigned to Discovery Specialists based on availability and caseloads. Some FF clients may be placed on wait lists. All communications between a POC, or CM and the DSC will be summarized in brief CLNOs in CMS by the DSC.

1023-5 D.   Referral Determination

The DSC will make a determination of Discovery referral approval or denial within 5 business days following receipt of the Checklist form.


The DSC will document the determination as a CLNO in CMS and send an e-mail alert to the CM and POC.

1023-5 E.   Assignment of the Discovery Specialist

If approved, the DSC  will contact the POC  and CM  via e-mail to document the determination decision. If the Discovery referral is approved, a DS will be assigned within 2 days of the determination date. After a Discovery approval the CM must arrange to meet with the client by his/her next scheduled appointment or within 30 days to recommend incorporation of Discovery as a work activity in the FF client’s FSSP or IFSSP. The CM must alert the DSC of the client’s agreement to include Discovery services as part of the FSSP or IFSSP.


The DSC will document the DS assignment as a CLNO in CMS the same day of assignment. The CM must document contact with the FF client to inform him/her of the Discovery approval and DS assignment as a CLNO in CMS.

1023-5 F.   Managing Wait lists

If no DS is available at the time of referral approval, the DSC will maintain a wait list and keep the CM abreast of the status of service access using bi-weekly CLNO entries in CMS.


If the FF client’s circumstances or participation jeopardizes their movement through Discovery services, the services may be discontinued. Situations that jeopardize Discovery service participation will be documented by the DSC and collaboratively discussed between the DS, the FF client and the CM. Final decisions to terminate Discovery services will be made by the DSC on  a case-by-case basis given the unique circumstances of each client/family.


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MC #4 (03/15)