The purpose of inclusion of Discovery Services as a section in the Work Services Procedure Manual is to provide Work Services case managers (CM) and their supervisors, information about Discovery as a service available to Families First (FF) clients who meet referral criteria. All FF case managers are required to inform clients that meet referral criteria about the availability and benefit of Discovery services. What follows in this section is a description of the continuum of Discovery services, including roles and responsibilities of the CM.

A. Overview

The Division of Public Assistance (DPA) offers Discovery services to Work Services FF clients to explore options for self-sufficiency including the potential of a job that best suits their life circumstances and family situation. Discovery is a service strategy for any FF client who faces challenges in obtaining and retaining employment through traditional labor market work search strategies. Through Discovery activities the strengths of the client are explored, including interests, personality, hobbies and routines. In addition, work conditions needed by the client are identified. Such exploration broadens self-sufficiency and potential work options that result in a successful match to the FF client’s employment needs which yield a higher possibility of job retention. Referral for Discovery services requires the client’s willingness to participate in Discovery services.

B. Discovery Services Providers

Because DPA’s Discovery services are specialized to meet the unique needs of the Work Services FF client, these services are only carried out by approved Discovery Specialists (DS) vendors. No Discovery services will be provided or payable without written client referral submitted by a Work Services CM and approved in writing by DPA. DPA retains full authority to determine client eligibility, and assign clients to receive Discovery services as described in this chapter.

C. Discovery Services Continuum

Discovery services offer alternative work search strategies and a continuum of activities that lead to self-sufficiency options. Potential outcomes range from the client’s pursuit of a traditional job, to customizing a work situation using job negotiation. Discovery is the first step along the continuum of services; services that follow Discovery are based on what is learned through the Discovery process.

The continuum of Discovery services include:

• Discovery – Non-judgmental form of functional assessment

• Profile – Written summary of Discovery findings

• Employment Planning Meeting – To Identify work options

• Portfolio – Visual resume representing job seeker’s work contributions

• Customized Employment – Customizing a job through negotiation with employers

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MC #2 (03/14)