1013-3 A.    Eligible Clients

Clients must meet the following criteria to be selected to participate in OJT:

• Clients must be unemployed or underemployed adults and caretaker relatives who are Temporary Assistance recipients.

• Adults in an Adult Not Included (ANI) household are not eligible to participate in an OJT contract.

• A client that has begun an OJT position can complete the contract even if they became ineligible for ATAP after the contract started because of changes in the household composition or income.

1013-3 B.   Incomplete OJT Placement

On occasion, an employee may not successfully complete a training program due to an inability to acquire the job skills, a learning disability, substance abuse, health, or life complexities.  It is the expectation that there will be a level of due diligence maintained by Job Developers that issues will be identified as they arise and will be addressed.

The client’s case manager must be made aware of the situation so as to ensure that suitable follow up occurs. Work Services Providers should identify the reasons the employee was unable to complete the training and make appropriate referrals for any necessary follow-up assessments.  Unsuccessful employees are not referred to another employer-based training program until the original impediment has been identified and addressed and the client is deemed ready to accept another assignment.  

If a client is not able to maintain employment then at minimum the OJT site should be maintained for another client opportunity. If the client was retained until the end of the OJT but then terminated, the case manager should determine if the employer had good cause for not retaining the client. If there does not appear to be good cause, future OJT opportunities with that employer are discouraged.


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MC #2 (03/14)