When a client closes their ATAP case with earnings from employment, there are several resources still available to them from DPA.  Post Temporary Assistance Employment Services (POST-TA) are available to clients for 12 months after closing their ATAP case with earnings.  They do not have to meet any financial threshold to qualify for Post-TA.  If a client loses their job while they are eligible for Post-TA, provide services to assist with re-employment, especially if those services will prevent the client from returning to the ATAP caseload (WSPM 1004-1 Note).   


  1. FSSP planning - While a client is not required to update their FSSP after closing their ATAP case, FSSP's may be helpful in sustaining their self-sufficiency by outlining the steps they will take to continue their progression (WSPM 1002).

  2. Employment Progression - Many clients close their ATAP case with earnings that are still within or slightly over the ATAP income guidelines.  In this case, Post-TA employment progression can help the client plan for and increase the likelihood of increased hours, promotions or better jobs that will continue to support their self-sufficiency.  The same techniques used to help a client progress while on ATAP are valuable during their Post-TA eligibility.

  3. Supportive Services - all supportive services categories are available to clients during Post-TA to assist the client in job retention, advancement or re-employment during the Post-TA period.  The need must still align with the identified criteria for the service (WSPM 1004).

  4. Work Service providers should contact WSTA for assistance in determining the most appropriate service provider when a client relocates between regions while post-TA eligible.  This will be evaluated on a case by case basis.


When an ATAP case closes with earnings, the family with children eligible for childcare is referred to the local PASS II Administrator for childcare assistance services (ATAP MS 740-2).  All families with potentially eligible children are informed of the resource through the PASS II referral notice (W150).  Additional information about PASS II/III can be found at:  http://dhss.alaska.gov/dpa/Documents/dpa/programs/ccare/Documents/Manuals-Brochures/Child-Care-Assistance-Program-Policies-and-Procedures.pdf.

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MC #4 (09/19)