ET and WDS Class Study Update

From Ron Kreher, Chief of Field Services

The first stage of the Eligibility Technician class study should be completed by the end of December or early January at the latest. This initial phase was research and data collection entailing a review of the position descriptions and interviews with the Subject Matter Experts representing each job class in the ET and WDS series in DPA and OCS. Staff from the Division of Personnel’s Classification Section interviewed over 40 staff. While a number of the interviews had to be done telephonically, the classifiers also had many opportunities to have in person interviews that provided a chance to observe our work environment in offices across the state. Several of the SMEs may still be contacted via email with additional questions that will help to further clarify specific roles and duties. As noted by the lead classifier the interviewees were all “admirable representatives of their jobs and agencies”.

Successfully Navigating to Awesome Performance with the SNAP Salmon Challenge!

From: Ellie Fitzjarrald, Director and Mary Riggen, Chief, Program Integrity and Analysis

Our awesome salmon from FY 2009 are approaching their goal and have the wide open ocean sparkling up ahead. With 10 of 12 months of payment accuracy data available (October through July) our salmon are navigating with a “school” (statewide) average of 95.6%. What’s especially impressive is that there were no reportable payment errors in the months of May and July!

United We Succeed!

- A Message from Ron Kreher, Chief of Field Services -

Over the last week or so, it has been necessary to redistribute work from the Central Region to offices across the state.  The Director and the division’s leadership team asked me to share with you their belief and expectation that our ability to provide direct services and supports to our clientele requires a collective commitment and, at times, a statewide effort to ensure that needy Alaskans get the services and supports they require.