BPR Update for June 20th!

What’s Happenin’:
We have four offices who have implemented BPR and the approved/denied numbers are very impressive! For staff who haven’t been through the process yet, approved/denied % is a direct reflection of One & Done, the primary method of reducing multiple/duplicate client contact on the phone and in the lobby. This process is working and it is wonderful to be able to see the data that confirms how efficient the division is becoming! Thank you!

BPR update! Muldoon and other offices

Muldoon implemented BPR on May 23 and they are showing strong leadership support and engaged staff! Muldoon is adjusting to added staff from Gambell in an effort to ensure they were appropriately staffed to cover the lobby and phones. This has allowed Muldoon to be able to accomplish most of the daily goals they have set for themselves during the last couple of weeks.


Beginning January 1, 2016, individuals in the Anchorage area who were between the ages of 18 and 49, did not have a child in their home, and were able to work became subject to the Able Bodied Adult Without Dependents (ABAWD) rule. This rule states that an individual who is subject the ABAWD rule could only receive SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Food Stamps) for 3 months in a 3 year period. The Division was notified on May 31, 2016 that the federal Food and Nutrition Service approved a waiver exempting the entire state from the ABAWD rule effective June 1, 2016.