We heard you AND it is making a difference!!
The Statewide Planning Team (and other staff who mentioned this to us over the past year) overwhelmingly recommended that all eligibility staff learn both systems (EIS and ARIES) and learn all programs.
BPR supported cross training for MAGI/ARIES and CORE/EIS! Therefore, SD&T has customized training for each site to meet the specific needs of the learners. The numbers below reflects the production stats attained by each group of learners during the full production days (between 2-4 depending on curriculum delivery for their specific learning needs). All cases worked in class are 100% reviewed – an enormous undertaking that pays off by immediately showing any error trends.
Wanting to know the numbers, I asked SD&T to provide data concerning the learners who were recently trained in EIS and ARIES -- this recommendation is making a big impact for offices and regions! We have had 49 learners in training over the past three months and the high number of cases approved and denied is truly visible. These staff have minimized the number of pended cases to be touched another time.
Lastly, Staff Development and Training is excited to be ‘boots on the ground’ in the offices of DPA- thank you for welcoming them and taking the opportunity to learn from their knowledge! The strength of our Division lies in our motivated and innovative staff. SD&T is committed to the learning needs of DPA staff who are forging ahead with Business Process Redesign and doing what it takes to be better prepared for efficiencies!