07/06/2015 Workload Update

By July 5th, 99.8% of SNAP backlog benchmark set by FNS on May 6, 2015 was addressed. Also, DPA’s overall timeliness for SNAP applications now meets federal standards. What an achievement! It’s especially noteworthy given the drop in the backlog for virtually every other program, including Medicaid.

06/29/2015 Workload Update

Last week’s numbers are a big shout out to the great work everyone has done and is doing. Good gains everywhere and the team is a hair’s breadth from closing the books on the SNAP backlog. Even with the intense effort on the SNAP apps, the untimely workload across all programs is dwindling. We saw the biggest drop in the MAGI-Medicaid workload since is this effort started and the week of June 22, was the third week in a row with declines in stale MAGI applications. Very soon ARIES will have additional functionality that is going to help drill through the remaining work.

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06/22/2015 Workload Update

In the face of additional account transfers from the Marketplace, some of which are quite out-of-date, and applications that may have recently slipped out of timeframes, gains are still being made. With just over 300 SNAP applications left in the backlog and only 27 remaining from May 4th backlog (our bench mark for the SNAP sanction), clearly the 60 day SNAP target is well within reach. Also, thousands of timely and accurate eligibility decisions are being made each and every week. Thank you all for another great week. Hooray DPA!

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