This Month's DPAstars

Our first star is highly respected and very dear to her co-workers. She is described as someone who has a uncanny knack for inspiring, supporting, and encouraging others. Professional, compassionate, friendly, easy-going, effective, up-beat, knowledgeable, positive, and diplomatic are just a few of the words her co-workers used to describe her. Known for her unusual taste in food - this star has a sweet tooth for such delicacies as frozen whip cream and any type of vegetable, especially green beans. She is originally from Iowa and enjoys running, ice fishing, cooking, making smoothies, and plants. Can you guess who this star is?

Exempt Native Village Changes

This message is to let you know of changes to the time-limit exemption status for a number of Native communities. These changes are being made based on the 2000 census data, and are effective May 1, 2003. These changes affect communities in the Southeast, Northern, and Coastal regions; there are no affected communities in the Central region.

AK Journal of Commerce Interview with Commissioner Gilbertson

New state Health and Social Services Commissioner Joel Gilbertson has his work cut out for him. Gilbertson, 30, was chosen by Gov. Frank Murkowski to run, in terms of dollars managed, one of the state's biggest agencies. Within the Department of Health and Social Service's $553 million annual budget of state funds, Medicaid, at $225 million next year, is the 800-pound gorilla. Including federal funds, the department's overall budget is $1.7 billion.

Marcia Kennai, MSW, New Dep. Commissioner of Children

Recognized expert in child welfare issues, Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), federal child & family services reviews.

Governor Frank H. Murkowski announced today the appointment of Marcia Kennai as Deputy Commissioner of Health & Social Services. Ms. Kennai will head the new Office of Children's Services announced last month as part of a major reorganization of the Dept. of Health & Social Services.

Director's Message - Spring Brings Opportunities for our Clients

Spring greetings to everyone from the Director's office. Brace yourselves. The recent weather map shows a statewide thaw that heralds the coming of spring activity. Even Barrow was a balmy 12 degrees yesterday. This means, of course, increased activity at our offices, as folks migrating into Alaska seek program assistance and others step up their job search efforts in anticipation of summer employment. Spring and summer always present our greatest opportunity to help our fellow Alaskans find self-sufficiency and self-esteem though employment.