DPAweb Server Maintenance
DPAweb will be undergoing security and maintenance upgrades Tuesday, March 18th, between 7-11PM.
Short outages may occur. Thank you for your patience.
DPAweb will be undergoing security and maintenance upgrades Tuesday, March 18th, between 7-11PM.
Short outages may occur. Thank you for your patience.
Good afternoon everyone!! We know it has been a little while since you have heard from us so…
What’s Happenin?
As we all continue to learn and trust our BPR processes and PathOS, we want you to see the progress we are making -- completing backlog and non-lobby work is positively impacting on our lobbies. (more)
Staff Development and Training (SD&T) has revamped the CORE training for Field Services staff! We have been looking at ways to retain staff AND it begins with a strong training foundation.
SD&T worked with Field Services subject matter experts to improve the delivery of training. In addition, Policy and Program Development has reviewed and provided recommendations to the draft training.
Remember, SD&T will travel to the requesting office to conduct training so new hires rarely need to travel to Anchorage for classroom training- SD&T comes to you! (more)
As I mentioned in my Thanksgiving message, that was a time for looking back and reflecting. For me, I experience the exact opposite as I head into the “New Year” – This is a time of hope and action and looking forward not backwards. I don’t know about you, but I can’t hibernate, I need to invigorate myself during the shorter days. I experience an inner giddiness when the sun shines ever so briefly here in Southeast. I feel a renewed sense that spring is actually on the way and I can’t hide my excitement when we begin gaining even 2 minutes of light a day- change is in the air! (more)
Here is a snapshot of the successful accomplishments for our Field Offices during October and into November: