Way to Go DPA!

Last year’s final Food Stamp payment accuracy findings are in and Alaska rocks again ! For federal fiscal year 2007 (Oct. 1 2006 – Sept. 30, 2007) we ranked lucky #13 in the nation with an overall payment accuracy rate of 95.96% (4.04% error rate). The national average for payment accuracy was 94.36% (5.64% error rate).

Like most of our successes, credit goes to many. Eligibility staff, supervisors, and clerical support push through the critical parts of this work, case by case and day by day.

Managers keep the importance of work quality in focus, and the policy and support staff keep our daily operations moving forward. Our Quality Assessment staff did an awesome job too. There were no federal adjustments to the active findings – meaning no mistakes by our QA staff. The Quality Assessment Review Committee and CAFÉ Team made great contributions, working to identify error causes and meaningful solutions.

Thank you for doing such tremendous work! The Governor’s Office and Acting Commissioner Bill Hogan also asked me to send their congratulations and appreciation to each of you for a job well done.

Have a safe 4th of July holiday. I hope you can enjoy the day spending quality time with family and friends.
