DPA Stars for October

It's my pleasure to annonce the DPAStars for October!

To our new stars ... congratulations on this wonderful recognition, and a huge THANK YOU on behalf of all your colleagues and co-workers for everything you do to make DPA a great place to work!


Our first star comes to us from Southcentral Alaska. This can-do superstar is the definition of the word: "professional". Known as a kind and generous soul, this megastar is one of those rare human souls that genuinely thinks of others before herself and is a person willing to make sacrifices when she believes in the cause. Her friends and co-workers describe her as smart, dedicated, positive, consistent, and someone that you can always count on. Her positive attitude, genuine enthusiasm, and contagious laughter light up any room. If you are ever in need of information this is where to go, she is a wealth of information with an incredible memory. She is also known for her artistic abilities in creating beautiful bouquets. And apparently enjoys shining on stage too - as a karaoke superstar! Can you guess who this superstar is?

Get out of the way Superman, you've met your match! Our next superstar may not be able to jump over tall buildings in a single bound but she may well be the hardest worker you'll ever meet. This superwoman is able to cram a 12 hour day into 8 hours each and every day. She is willing to take on any task and follows through to make sure the job is done right.
Who can tell you how to raise a chicken from a chick, run a bear off the porch, build a cabin where there will never be a road, advise you how to handle Germany's autobahn, know your rights under US military code and the Geneva convention, is queen of macro's, can make EIS do what you really need it to do now, can juggle multiple demands with a smile and can do attitude, is a program and resource wizard, and ... always start your day with a big good morning and smile.... it's the APA wonder person.