Please note that beginning 10/07/2005 and ending 10/19/2005, you may experience noise or service interruptions because AT&T Alascom satellite facilities will be experiencing sun related service degradations as a result of the alignment of the sun with Alaska telecommunications satellite and ground stations. Sun outages occur for a few days semi-annually when the satellite passes directly between the antenna on earth and the sun. Radio frequency noise from the sun is stronger than the desired signal from the satellite, resulting in a brief service interruption.
The most likely time for these interruptions will be between 12:42pm and 1:12pm Alaska Daylight Time. Different areas will be affected on different dates and times during this period.
If you have questions, please call the State of Alaska Service Center. Anchorage customers should call 868-7174 and callers from all other areas should call 1-888-565-8680.