Better than Average Payment Accuracy Campaign Update

We've worked a little closer to our FFY 2005 goal of 94% Food Stamp Payment Accuracy. We now stand at 92.6% accuracy, with the sample about 40% complete. Our last three completed QA sample months (Nov - Jan) averaged better than 95% accuracy. So it appears we're trending upward. If we can sustain that performance we'll reach our goal. Thanks for your continued focus accuracy and your recognition of its importance.

The Southeast Region is following up its great performance last year with 100% accuracy so far in FFY 2005.
The Northern Region is making our goal with 94.2% accuracy.
Several other offices deserve praise for their good work and a great start toward our goal.
Coast Field Offices (70, 80 & 82) 100%
Nome 100%
Mat-Su APA 100%
Gambell 98.7%
Kenai 95.9%

You can see how your office is doing by viewing the latest QA reports at or by clicking on the Food Stamp Accuracy Goal box at the top of the DPAWeb page.

I don't usually cite individual achievements, yet I need to make an exception this month. We always hold our collective breath when a big case turns up in our QC sample. These are great for our accuracy calculation if we get them right, and disaterous if we don't. As fate would have it the largest ever popped up in the January sample. A 12 person household with an $1,855 allotment! Sharon Harbuck in the Coastal Field Unit did it right and that lifted our accuracy rate nearly 3/10ths of a point with that one case. Paying extra attention to large dollar cases is a good strategy for reducing error rates.

I have recently visted quite a few offices. I'm always impressed by the work I see that you have to accomplish each day. I'd like to acknowledge the supevisors, lead workers and regional case readers for their role in an important and sometimes thankless part of that daily grind - case reviews. Case reading is not known for its fun factor, but it is the most tried and true foundation of work quality. Thanks for getting them done for folks.