DPA Stars!

Our first star can be described best as tireless visionary, motivator, and mentor with seemingly unending energy who is committed to excellence. She has been with us over 20 years and has given her heart and soul to our division in a wide variety of roles including: eligibility, system operations, training and leadership. She is described by co-workers, partners and friends as one of the best motivators and leaders in State or Federal government.This Superstar has a tenacity that is infectious. Whatever she is involved in, she is committed to, with everything that is in her. And she is committed to doing it right. She is always looking for progressive ways to approach our work. And she prides herself on forward thinking and innovation. This star encourages all workers to grow in their jobs and does everything she can to provide them the tools they need to grow in the agency. Her greatest strength is in her ability to communicate and connect personnally with staff and through understanding champion their needs and the needs of our agency. She is approachable and insists on a team work approach that values and respects input and opinions. This Star has been credited for bringing dignity into the workplace by providing an environment that listens and acts in the best interest not only of the State but of our clients and workforce. She has a great sense of humor and tries to ensure that her staff have a fun place to work. It's been asked: Who can turn the world on with her smile? Who can take a nothing day, and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile? Well it's this Star!


Our next Superstar is "Proud to Be Here! Ready to Serve!". Anchorage is the place he calls home. He too has been with the division many years and has developed an expert level of knowledge about our business. He is a mentor and leader to his coworkers. This superstar is always the first to volunteer, ever ready and willing to jump in and assist anyone with anything whether that be assisting at the front counter, acting in a leadership role, assisting in training new ET's, or helping a co-worker that has gotten behind on their case load and he's able to accomplishes this all of this while working a caseload of over 1400 cases. He is someone who is recognized as genuine in everything he says and does. Always smiling he is very easy to talk with and laugh with. This Superstar has a way of making even the most heinous of days seem like a walk in the park. Co-workers know and appreciate if they ask him for help he will make it top priority and make sure it is done right. He has a compassionate side, always showing respect to co-workers and clients alike. He will tear up when talking about his dog, get frustrated when his 'Woody' doll is missing, or excited about politics and he will beams with laughter when things are funny. As frustrating as it can sometimes get, this Star is always right there beside you, letting you know, it's going to all be alright.
