Happy Holidays

The Christmas season is a special time in Alaska. The long northern nights provide time to relax with friends and loved ones, reflect on the year just past, and re-energize for the new year ahead.

It is also a season for giving -- when children delight in brightly wrapped packages, adults exchange tokens of love and affection, and elders take joy in the presence of their family.

As we all enjoy our holiday traditions, I hope you’ll join with me in reflecting on the precious gifts we give each other all year long -- playing with a child, helping a neighbor, worshiping at church, visiting our elders, or just listening to a friend. If we do, I believe we will know the peace and joy of those who truly keep the spirit of the holidays in our hearts all year long.

Nancy and I send our warm wishes for a safe and joyous holiday season.

Sincerely yours,

Frank H. Murkowski