DPA Stars

Once again it's time for DPA stars. Given the incredible hard work going into our quality initiatives by staff all over the state and the stellar performance being seen in the plummeting reduction in the foodstamp error rate, DPA is quickly becoming a galaxy! So, plucked from the growing DPA constellations, here are our DPA Stars...

Our first star makes her home in the city of lights and her light has made our city shine even brighter. She is described as an genuinely nice person, sharp, knowledgeable, dependable, supportive, and polite. She is one of the first to recognize a co-worker for an accomplishment, whether personal or professional. She's always willing to pitch in and help out in whenever needed - her utmost desire is to do what is right for our agency as well as our clients. Her ability and willingness to find solutions to any situation is extraordinary. She continually goes above and beyond the call of duty to assist co-workers, families and individuals. As a friend, she is a treasure that once found you cherish. Can you guess who this star is? Click here.

This next DPAStar resides in Fairbanks. During the summer you might see her in the bleachers of a baseball game or better yet out on the golf course. In the winter, you might see her running up and down the sidelines of a pool or cheering her children to victory. While she is a very caring and compassionate individual, there is also a competitive spark to do the best job possible. This star believes in our mission of helping families become self-sufficient, and her belief in our mission, helps all of us do our jobs better. She is empowering, encouraging and always open to ideas and suggestions. Can you guess who this star is? Click here.

This DPAStar is another beacon from the city of lights. She is known to light up a room with her smile, positive personality, upbeat outlook and talkative spirit. She is described as someone who is always helpful, inspiring, available, and perceptive with her insights. She has a true dedication to the organizations mission, with working with clients, and fellow employees. On a personal note she has a passion for butterflies, fish, travel, and playing darts. Can you guess who this star is? Click here.