DPA Stars

Happy New Year Everyone!

Our first star has been a loyal, hardworking employee of DPA's for nearly 25 years. Deemed "The Duke of Earl" he is described as a lean, mean bean-counting machine. One of those quiet but efficient behind the scenes DPA workers, this multi-skilled, multi-tasker puts his 110% into the job. Whether that job be processing heating, child care or fee agent payments, reconciling the EBT system with the State accounting system, the FS account with the Federal Reserves Bank, answering phones, doing the mail run or building strong, solid relationships with Alaskan vendors and utility companies. Give him the work and he gets it done promptly and well.

His co-workers unanimously describe him as honest, someone who never complains, intelligent, calming, compassionate, courteous and willing to tackle any project that comes his way. This is a guy you can trust. On a personal note he is a dedicated Mariners and Seattle Hee Hawks fan, has a great chuckle, a fantastic sense of humor, and strong family ties. Can you guess who this star is?

Click here for the DPA Star

Our next DPAStar is actually an entire galaxy of stars. Together this team of workers have provided us well-over 300 years of experience and service. Another "behind the scenes" group of employees, the work this office does is what ensures everyone else's day goes well. The importance of their tasks cannot be under-emphasized. They have proven their efficiency month-after-month, year-after-year by ensuring our hard work is successful. And over the years, hundreds and hundreds of thousands, of Alaska's most needy have been able to timely provide for their most basic needs. They do this by quietly and efficiently keeping the most vital parts of our business rolling. The product of their work is at the heart of our process and it's reliability just doesn't happen by chance. This group of stars is known for keeping our agency rolling with calm efficiency, taking on big projects with cool professionalism, and quickly responding to urgent pleas for help with cheerful enthusiasm. They are described as dedicated, patient, focused, responsive, talented and solidly reliable professionals - with abilities to find solutions to our agencies endless requests, new developments and latest urgent needs. This group has a long history of efficiently responding to the many challenges of our times. And yet, there doesn't seem to be another unit in DPA that has been able to find more reasons to celebrate together by throwing a big potluck - which are delicious by the way. Can you guess which group of stars these are?

Click here for the DPA Star