Semi-Annual Reporting Progress Update

Preparation for implementation of Semi-Annual Reporting on January 1, 2004 is well underway. Training officially started on Monday of last week. The trainers have been busy presenting training on-site at local offices, and they have a tight schedule in order to finish prior to the holiday season. Policy staff are busy finalizing forms and notices, and compiling a list of Q&A’s from the training sessions. Additionally, Systems Operations is working on getting the system supports in place.

This policy option puts Food Stamp households on a semi-annual report schedule (6-month certifications), and requires a change to be reported only when a household's gross monthly income exceeds their gross income limit. It essentially results in many FS households having their benefit levels frozen for 6 months. While this concept is simple, like many other policies, application has its challenges.

One challenge involves combination cases. Many of our clientele receive assistance from programs which have different reporting requirements. We are currently assessing ways to leverage this policy.

There are several important aspects of this new policy of which you should be aware:

q It is very important for staff to educate clientele of the new reporting requirements. We realize it will take some time to get accustomed to the new policy. If there are additional tools needed to assist you in your job, please do not hesitate to ask your supervisor, Regional Manager, user group liaison, policy staff, training staff, or Field Services staff.

  • Revisions to the Gen 93 “Reporting Changes” brochure, the Gen 72 “Recertification Application,” Fee Agent manual & checklist, Gen 55 “Change Report Form,” and Gen 51 “Rights and Responsibilities” forms are currently underway. Newly revised forms will be available on-line and distributed to your offices soon. A separate broadcast will be sent informing you of when these revisions are complete.
  • We have prepared several strategies to inform clientele and partner agencies of the upcoming change. On December 19, 2003 a flyer will be mailed to all Food Stamp households transitioning from status reporting to semi-annual reporting (all FS cases except those households in which all members receive APA or IA). In addition to the flyer, on December 19, 2003 an EIS notice will be mailed to Food Stamp households to formally notify them of the new reporting requirements. This will be a system generated “X” notice and will be sent to all Food stamp cases in received, open, pend, or suspend status except those households in which all members receive APA or IA.
  • A partner letter has also been written to inform partner agencies about the new FS semi-annual reporting requirement. This letter will be mailed to service providers, Food Banks, and Native Family Assistance Programs that work with our clientele. The letter informs them of the new policy, and invites them to contact our offices if they have any questions.
  • Field Services will distribute informational flyers and posters to local offices. It is important for staff to share information regarding this change with their Fee Agents.

During the next couple of days, the Director and Chief of Field Services are scheduled to visit some of our offices. We would like to hear your comments regarding the semi-annual reporting option. We will continue to communicate these policy developments to you as they occur. Thank you for your input on this project and patience as we move forward on implementing this new policy.