Department of Health and Social Services
Division of Public Assistance



MANUAL: Work Services Procedure Manual

DATE:  11/03/2014

This manual change includes a reorganization of the Management chapter (MS 1002).  Definitions were updated in MS 1001 and throughout the manual where applicable.  Language was changed to be consistent with other DPA manuals and to adhere to current terminology.  We also made several changes to clarify existing policy as a result of suggestions from the field.    

Highlights of these updated procedures are described below.  If you have any questions please contact the Work Services Policy Team at or


MS 1001 ATAP Work Services Definitions

•   Added the definition of Customized Employment. Clarified that Customized Employment  is used only for Discovery.

•   Updated the definition of Discovery Services to align with language in WSPM Section 1023.

•   Updated the definition of the Employment Planning Meeting to align with language in WSPM Section 1023.

•   Added a sentence to the Family Support Team definition to clarify that not all clients will require an Family Support Team.

•   Changed the definition of Job Development to clarify that Job Development services are available to all WS clients.

•   Deleted the definition of Negotiated Job Development as the term is now obsolete.

•   Deleted the definition for Social Security Application Services as services are not currently available.

MS 1002-2  Management Due Diligence

  Added three subsections H., I., and J. for situations dealing with subpoenas, clients in crisis, and change reporting.

•   Information that was previously located in Management Tools chapter (MS 1002-3) was relocated to these three new subsections where they are more relevant and accessible.  

MS 1002-3 A. Work Services Reports

•   Changed the title from “Federal & State Requirements” to “Work Services Reports.”  

MS 1002-3 B.  Reports from Work Services Grantees

• Changed the Due Dates from the 31st to the 30th for the first and fourth quarter to be consistent for each report’s due date.

• Deleted language regarding the requirements for a narrative report in as it is not required for either FF or WF agreements.

• Deleted “monthly travel reports” from this section and relocated it to MS 1002-3 E. where it is more applicable.

MS 1002-3 C. Invoicing

• Clarified the supportive service reimbursing requirements for both WF and FF programs.

MS 1002-3 D. Calendar of Reporting Dates

• Added an additional row to the table to include staff roster requirements.

MS 1002-3 E. Travel

• Changed the title from “Staff” to “Travel.”  

• Moved the information that was previously located in MS 1002-3 I. to this section. 

• Removed the information that was regarding staff recruiting, monitoring, and training responsibilities and created a new subsection for that information in MS 1002-5.

MS 1002-3 F. Native Family Assistance Programs

• Changed the title from “Families First Training Requirements” to “Native Family Assistance Programs.”

• The training information for FF providers that was previously in this section was moved to the new subsection in 1002-5 and 1002-6.  

MS 1002-3 G. through Q. no longer exist – information was moved to different sections.

MS 1002-4 Contact with DPA Policy and Program Development

• Created a new subsection “Contact with DPA Policy and Program Development.”

• This information was previously located in MS 1002-3 O.

MS 1002-5 Staff Recruiting and Training

• Created a new subsection “Staff Recruiting and Training.” Created three subsections in this section:  A. Recruiting; B. Monitoring; C. Training Responsibilities.

• This information was previously located in MS 1002-3 (E., G., and H.).

MS 1002-6 Train With Local Partners

• Created a new subsection “Train With Local Partners.”

• This information was previously located in MS 1002-3 G.

MS 1002-7 In-House Training

• Created a new subsection “In-House Training.”

• This information was previously located in MS 1002-3 H.

MS 1002-8 Equipment

• Created a new subsection “Equipment.”

• This information was previously located in MS 1002-3 J.

MS 1002-9 Confidentiality

• Created a new subsection “Confidentiality.”

• This information was previously located in MS 1002-3 K.

• Expanded on the definitions for Email Communication and DSM.

MS 1002-10 Management of Case Transfers

• Created a new subsection “Management of Case Transfers.”

• This information was previously located in MS 1002-3 M. and additional information was added from the SPMG.

MS 1002-11 Cause For Termination

• Created a new subsection “Cause for Termination.”

• This information was previously located in MS 1002-3 L.

MS 1003 Work Services Principles

  Change title in table of contents section 1003 from “Work Services and Principals and Spirit” to “Work Service Principles” to provide for consistency in language.

MS 1003-1 Work First Service Track

• Deleted existing language and replaced it with work service principles.

MS 1003-2 through 1003-7 were deleted – information will be included in later manual updates.

MS 1021-1 Family Support Team Guidelines

Updated the third bullet to clarify the minimum number of members on a family support team.

MS 1021-3 Establishing Family Support Teams

• Added a clarifying statement that the CM must document in a CLNO the Family Network, Weekly Routines/Calendar, and EPI.

MS 1021-6 Family Support Team Follow-up

• Replaced the term negotiated job development with customized employment because the term ‘negotiated job development’ is obsolete.

• Restructured information in subsection I. for better clarity.

• Clarified the roles between the CM and DS in subsection J. regarding communication with client and FST.  

MS 1032 Native Family Assistance Providers

• Changed the title of this section from “Native Family Work Service” to “Native Family Assistance Providers” to align terminology with other manuals.