1. Following each FST meeting the case manager must transfer hand-written meeting notes to a formal CLNO in CMS.

      2. The case manager must incorporate all FST action plans to the most current IFSSP with the client’s authorized signature.

      3. The case manager must share the formal FST meeting notes with all members of the FST.

      4. The case manager encourages all FST members to incorporate or attach the action plan developed at each meeting to existing agency service plans, or incorporated as part of the client’s file.

      5. The case manager must show attempts to engage non-participating FST partners (i.e., no-shows or is late to meetings, fails to follow communication ground rules, low participation and input, fails to follow through on assigned action plan tasks).

      6. The case manager must revisit and update the Family Network and Weekly Routines/Calendar as the client and family’s circumstances change over time. The case manager must update the membership of the FST as it changes due to changes in services and the client’s selection of natural supports.

      7. The case manager must ensure that the FST meets as needed throughout the ATAP eligibility period of the FFWS client based on the client and the family’s level of service needs to strive toward stabilization. All FFWS clients should have FST meetings scheduled/conducted at least quarterly. All FSTs will continue to meet until the client and family’s circumstances have stabilized for a period of 6 months minimum, or they have exited from FFWS.

      8. The case manager must carry out necessary FST meetings during the time period of an SSI evaluation and determination in order to continue to provide critical supports to the client and family.

      9. The case manager must conduct FST meetings as necessary during the time period of Discovery, Portfolio development, the Employment Planning Meeting, Customized Employment and the transition period following any job placement (WSPM  Sections 1023).

        1. The case manager and FST members may participate as needed in interviews as part of Discovery and contribute to Discovery's resulting narrative summary; Profile Parts I, II and III.

        2. The case manager must participate in the Employment Planning Meeting once the DS has completed Profile Part III. FST members invited to this meeting will vary, at the client's discretion. The duties associated with the scheduling, coordinating and facilitating the EPM will be assigned to the DS.

      1. The case manager must ensure that the FST continues to meet at least quarterly through the period of customized employment to ensure the client and family’s stability of service support and the client’s employability.

        1. The case manager must continue to coordinate, conduct and facilitate FST meetings as needed during the period of customized employment, with a focus on continued coordination and maintenance of necessary services.

        2. The DS will communicate as needed with case manager regarding the progress and status of the customized employment process, and in turn, the case manager must communicate that progress and the status to the FST to ensure appropriate services and supports are available should the client/job seeker be placed in a job position (i.e., child care, transportation, applicable training).

        3. The case manager must ensure that the FST meets post-hire during what is considered a transition period for the client/job seeker. The focus of meetings is on determining any continued service support needs to ensure job retention.


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MC #4  (03/15)