Due diligence in Work Services management is essential to the success of the program, the staff, and DPA clients. Managers will demonstrate due diligence through the following: Note: All sections below apply to both Work First and Families First.

A.  Timely completion and submission of all required reports; (WSPM Section 1002).

B.  Monthly file reviews for each staff person to ensure consistent quality of services;

1.  Management will conduct reviews on randomly selected files from all case loads. The review will not be carried out by the person providing the family services or a lateral colleague. The review must be completed by a member of the Work Services Provider’s management team who is familiar with and responsible for the quality of Work Services delivery. Management file reviews will ensure all work is conducted within written DPA Policy and Procedure guidance.

2.  The results of the review must be tracked, corrective action must be taken where issues are identified and outcome of review be used for continuous quality improvement of the delivery of services.

3.  The minimum number of files that must be reviewed on a monthly basis is: Ten percent (10%) of your agency caseload will be reviewed internally each month. Program Managers may use their discretion to determine how to identify cases to be reviewed.  

C.  Manager will ensure all identified corrections are addressed within 10 business days.

D. Managers will cooperate with Contracted Services Quality Assurance (CSQA) reviews and  respond to findings by:

1.  Responding in writing to the summary of findings following the Work Services Quality Review (WSQR) within the time frame agreed upon at the conclusion of the review.

2.  The response must include a description of the project management’s plan to address any negative findings and how to enhance best practice. 

3 . Utilizing the Monitoring Guide (Attachment XVI).

E.  Managers will be responsive to all client concerns and complaints, this will be demonstrated by

1.  Client calls to staff or management will be returned within one business day;

2.  Resolutions to client calls or concerns are handled at the lowest level possible and are clearly documented in the CLNOs. CLNO will include a summary of the issues and resolution. An e-mail including the client number and date of the CLNO entry must be sent to the DPA Work Services Technical Assistance (WSTA) box at WSTA@alaska.gov;

3.  Client concerns that are not resolved through internal Work Services Provider’s process will be forwarded to the DPA Work Services Technical Assistance team at WSTA@alaska.gov.

4.  When a client feels it is necessary to bypass the Work Services Provider’s internal process, or is not satisfied with the response of the Work Services provider, DPA Work Services Technical Assistance (WSTA) will notify the provider, and has forwarded their concerns to the WSTA team, the WSTA representative will notify the Provider. A case review will be conducted and recommendations made regarding settlement of the concern. These recommendations are to be implemented within 24 hours of receipt.

5.  Client concerns and resolution are clearly documented in the CLNOs including a summary of the issues and resolution. An e-mail including the client number and date of CLNO entry must be sent to DPA Work Services Technical Assistance at WSTA@alaska.gov.

F.   Establish and maintain positive relationships with community resources and partners. Encourage staff to seek and participate in opportunities for cross-agency training and communication.  Work Services Providers are responsible for establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with partner agency personnel. Mutual respect between partners is expected and often a key in service coordination.

G.  Maintain communication with DPA staff including local and regional management teams, eligibility technicians, Policy, Staff Development and Training, etc.

H.  When responding to subpoenas and court orders please refer to the (Administrative Procedures Manual Section 100-3 E).

I.   When a client presents with or discloses an emergency situation that requires immediate attention, the work services provider regardless of track will make accommodation for the client to be seen within 48 hours. For clients in the FF track, FST members may not be able to gather for a full meeting, but should be contacted regarding the change and engaged in the resolution process. Support service resources can often be pooled together between multiple agencies which can have a profound and positive impact on success.

J. When CMs become aware of a change in a client's circumstances, which is likely to affect their benefit level, it is expected that they will report the changes by:

1.  Encourage the client to give written notice to the DPA Eligibility staff including an offer to fax documentation from their office.

2.  Inform client that it is the CM's duty to inform DPA Eligibility staff when they become aware of changes which may affect the client's benefits.


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MC #5 (06/15)