1002-9           CONFIDENTIALITY

Confidentiality is essential in maintaining records, sending documents and working with clients. Work Service Providers who do not have state sponsored e-mail addresses are required to follow the protocols listed below when transmitting confidential data:


No external ( a non .gov email address) email communication may contain the client's name and social security number. Clients may be identified by client number.


Agency’s are required to use a “Direct Secure Messaging (DSM)” account for sending client specific communication.  See below for information on how to get a DSM account established:

1. For DHSS employees: Please submit a request to the DHSS IT Help Desk at: helpdesk@alaska.gov requesting a DSM account. Your request needs to include your full name, division you work for and job title. A subscriber agreement form was signed by the Department on behalf of State users; there is no need for DHSS employees to complete the DSM Subscriber Agreement form.

2. For non-State of AK personnel or entities: A DSM Subscriber Agreement (legal document) will need to be completed for all users in the organization. The agreement form is a legal document and requires the organization information and detailed user information including photo IDs for every user to validate the user. The agreement form can be found on Alaska eHealth Network's (AeHN) website at: http://ak-ehealth.org/for-providers/direct-secure-messaging/. There is an agreement form for healthcare providers and non-healthcare providers. The agreement forms need to be emailed to:     support@ak-ehealth.org.   

3. If an agency is not using a DSM type of account to transmit documents with client identifiers, provider must double envelope documents and send through USPS overnight express, FedEx, Gold Streak, etc. This method will provide for confidentiality and is traceable.

1002-9C       FAX

All facsimile equipment twill be monitored by staff, to ensure no public access.

1002-9D       HARD COPY FILES

Secure and lock all hard copy files and records containing client information.

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MC #5 (06/15)