1002-10 A.      Change of Community

1. CM sets a case alert that the client has moved

2. CM monitors the case for an address change.

a. CM reports to supervisor if the address is not updated within 10 business days.

i. WS Supervisor follows-up with ET supervisor to inquire about status of Report of Change.

3. The eligibility worker will follow SPMG Addendum B 6 to ensure that both agencies are informed that the client has moved and the CARC is changed to the appropriate provider.

4. CM will maintain all case management responsibilities until the move is documented by Eligibility.

5. When the address is updated, the CM will complete any transfer notes and work activity data known to date.

6. The CM will forward the case record to their supervisor with a coversheet noting the change of address and case transfer details.

7. The WS Supervisor will package the client record(s) and send the file with electronic tracking.

8. The WS Supervisor will send an email (following current electronic communication protocol) to the supervisor of the receiving office with the client information and the electronic tracking number.

9. The receiving WS Supervisor will email the supervisor of the prior provider when the case file arrives.

10. The receiving WS Supervisor will assign the case to an appropriate worker on their team to initiate case management activities.


The out-going WS agency is responsible for tracking the file until safe delivery is confirmed.  Any disruption in the delivery must be resolved between the out-going agency and the carrier.  Case Management services in the new community will not be delayed if the case file delivery is delayed.


1002-10 B.      Making the Hand-off

For WF clients who are simply moving to a new community with no change in track the file shall be mailed as soon as the referral from DPA to the new provider occurs.  It is the responsibility of the transferring office to ensure that the case file is complete, CLNOs up to date, the transfer summary complete and a current FSSP. Each office shall have a person designated to review the file for completeness and accuracy prior to transfer. This person could be a supervisor, lead worker or experienced case manager. Once the file is complete, a case transfer notice will be sent via email to the designated provider. All files must be sent by certified mail. The USPS tracking number shall be entered into CLNO.

If a client assigned to the FF track moves to another community, the FF case manager will call the FF supervisor in the new community to discuss the transfer. Upon receipt of the referral to the new provider a telephonic FST meeting shall be facilitated by the sending FF case manager. Level of support needed in the new community, services needed and identification of providers, client progress on FSSP goals and other relevant topics shall be discussed. The FFF in both communities must be notified of the transfer.

1002-10 C.      Case Transfer

Case transfer process will include:

1. Confirmation of the new provider’s agency name and address.

2. For WF clients a face-to-face introduction between the client and the new provider. If a face-to-face introduction is not possible, a telephonic introduction may be done.

3. A joint meeting between the client and the out-going and in-coming provider.

4. A thorough Transfer Summary in CLNO describing services provided successes, challenges, supportive strategies, and recommendations.

5. The method of transfer must be documented in CMS

1002-10 D.      Activity Participation

All clients assigned to a provider on the date of the Participation Report will be included in the prior month’s performance calculation regardless of any dates of referral or transfer between tracks. 


Client T. Jones moves from Fairbanks to Wasilla on April 22.  The case is officially CARC’d to the Wasilla provider effective May 2nd.  April work activity participation is processed on or about May 12th.  T. Jones will count in Wasilla’s
participation rate for the month of April.


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MC #3 (11/14)