A Tribal Organization is eligible to operate Native Family Assistance Programs (NFAP) [Tribal TANF] in their service area as per AS 47.27.200 that provides the entire scope of Work Services including both Work First and Families First Work Services as well as Negotiated Employment.

Currently there are seven Native Family Assistance Programs in Alaska. A Native Organization provides eligibility, job development and job coaching under their ACF approved Native Employment Works plan. (Native Family Assistance Guide)

The following are the approved Tribal TANF organizations in Alaska.

        1. Tanana Chiefs Conference

        2. Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska

        3. Association of Village Council Presidents

        4. Cook Inlet Tribal Council

        5. Bristol Bay Native Association

        6. Kodiak Area Native Association

        7. Maniilaq Area Native Association

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MC #4 (03/15)