1002-7       IN-HOUSE TRAINING

Providers are required to have all staff participate in 40 hours of training annually. Training may be accomplished through in-service training, community training, and participation in subject matter expert training teleconferences as offered by DPA and/or requesting technical assistance from DPA. Fundamentals of Work Services training does not count toward the required 40 hours.

A. The standard curriculum for all Work Service Providers (WSP) is Empowerment Skills for Family Workers. Each WSP will identify a minimum of one staff member who is responsible for expertise in the curriculum. That expertise is gained through a dedicated “Train the Trainers” opportunity sponsored by DPA. He or she will ensure that all staff completes the curriculum with demonstrated understanding and appropriate application of skills within one year of hire.

B. If the curriculum is not completed or the skill is not demonstrated, that staff person must discontinue services under the DPA grant or contract. At least 30 days prior to the completion deadline the WSP trainer can submit a letter of support requesting an extension and identify a time line for expected completion signed by the WSP trainer and the affected staff.

C. Each WSP provider is required to maintain a log to verify participation and completion of training and curriculum of each staff.

D. DPA will provide training, which may be on-site, regionally, or State-wide. The training may be webinar, conference call-in or in-person.

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