General guidelines for the FST are:

      • Work as team members with the focus being to maximize the FFWS client and family’s health, safety, well-being and self-sufficiency through collaboratively providing appropriate services and supports.

      • To partner as a team cooperatively, with an emphasis on increased communication and collaborative problem-solving. This involves partnerships between DPA/Work Services and multiple partners including other DHSS divisions and human service providers that the FFWS client or family members are involved with.

      • The FST  is composed minimally of the FFWS  client, a natural support (i.e., friends, family, clergy, and advocates) and/or paid service provider. Using the Family Network, the case manager assists the client to select members of the FST  who are considered helpful to the client moving forward toward self-sufficiency.

      • The FFWS client is always the key decision-maker who collaboratively develops FST meeting agendas, contributes to meetings and confirms decisions made based on meeting discussion.

      • All FST meetings are focused on moving the client forward, and understanding the client/family’s needs. All communication during and between meetings is positive, using strengths-based language. (always presenting “the best” of the client/family.)

      • Confidentiality is upheld according to DHSS regulations (Attachment), as well as to agency-specific confidentiality standards.


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MC #4 (03/15)