1021               FAMILY SUPPORT TEAM

The Family Support Team (FST) is an essential component of the Families First Work Services (FFWS) model. The purpose of the FST is to provide the FFWS client wraparound services using a team approach to service support. The FST is composed of the FFWS client, the Work Services case manager assigned to work with the client and family, as well as other agency providers and natural supports such as neighbors, friends, family, clergy or other advocates. The FSTs primary responsibility is to collaborate with the common goal of making life more manageable for the FFWS client and their family, both from a service and self-sufficiency perspective. The most tangible outcome of the FST is to develop the Informed Family Self-Sufficiency Plan (IFSSP) as a tool that incorporates all wraparound services and supports provided by FST members.

Collaborative partnerships between Work Services, DHSS divisions (i.e., Public Assistance, Juvenile Justice, Children’s Services, and Behavioral Health) and other human service programs (i.e., domestic violence shelters, schools, disability programs) are required as part of the Families First Work Services (FFWS) model to develop responsive IFSSPs. The collaborative effort of the FST results in streamlined services, reducing duplicative or competing agency expectations and referral to additional service supports as family needs are identified. The FST’s focus on wraparound type services ensures that both agency service priorities are met, as well as family service needs. The FST approaches identified needs in a holistic manner, inclusive of supporting the health, safety, well-being and self-sufficiency of the entire family unit.

The Families First Facilitator (FFF) has an ongoing role as a liaison to initiate and nurture working relationships between Division of Public Assistance (DPA)/ Work Services and community agencies to enhance community partnerships and connections. The FFF is responsible for introducing human service agency representatives to the FFWS model and purpose of FSTs. The FFF additionally acts as a consultant to the case manager to learn more about local community agency and program resources. Furthermore, the FFF is available to partner with the case manager to facilitate the process of establishing FSTs, or problem-solving any challenging issue(s) faced by an existing FST.

Following completion of the FFWS client’s Employability Assessment and subsequent initial FSSP, the case manager has sole responsibility for establishing the FSTand initiating the meeting of FSTs within a specified timeline. In addition, the case manager’s responsibility extends to scheduling, coordinating, conducting and facilitating all FST meetings. The case manager must maintain regular contact with FST members to keep abreast of the client and family’s status. Lastly, the case manager is required to document all FST activities, meeting outcomes/action plans developed, current services and client progress.

Effort of due diligence on the part of the case manager are demonstrated by his/her level of effort to collaborate with FST members both through FST meetings and other means of communication. Such effort must be documented through such methods as a signed and comprehensive IFSSP (WSPM Section 1008) in the form of CLNOs using the Case Management System (CMS) and hard copy invitations and notes in the FFWS client’s hard copy file.


FSTs are not required of all clients. The necessity to identify and establish a FST is dependent upon the unique needs and circumstances of the FF client.

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