06/08/2015 Workload Update

Last week saw some serious backlog busting with the total backlog dipping below the December 1 benchmark, including very good reductions across virtually all programs! Despite the receipt and registration of delayed FFM transfers (some of which are quite stale), the MAGI Medicaid backlog still dropped by over 200 applications.

It is also exciting that the focused effort on SNAP applications is getting DPA back on that program’s timeliness track. Based on our data, DPA’s SNAP timeliness was a dismal 67.4% early last December. By the time the sanction letter was received from Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) on May 4th, just over 30 days ago, only 65.2% of applications had timely determinations. Today, DPA has an 88.3% timeliness rate, just below the federal target of 90%, demonstrating an improvement of approximately 23%. This is tremendous progress!

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