Verifying FDPIR Eligibility When Processing Food Stamp Cases

Broadcast to All DPA Staff, DPA Associates, and OCS Eligibility Staff

From Ron Kreher, Chief of Field Services

Starting the week of August 6, 2007, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) began implementing the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) in the following Alaskan Native villages:

- (Coastal Region ) Akiak, Alakanuk, Chitina, Kotlik, Kongiganak, Nightmute, Old Harbor, Platinum, Sheldon Point, Seldovia, and Stebbins

- (Northern Region) Nenana

- (Southeast Region) Hydaburg

ANTHC's goal for the FDPIR is to provide nutritious commodities to families and individuals living in Alaska Native villages. ANTHC foresees households participating in the FDPIR as an alternative to Food Stamp program and projects a caseload of 2,000 individuals within the first year of implementation. They anticipate the potential growth of the FDPIR and may seek to expand the program as needed. The advent of this program has a direct affect to DPA's workflow process because individuals may not participate in FDPIR and Food Stamp Program in the same month.

To ensure clients are not participating in both FDPIR and Food Stamp Program, a system for exchanging information has been established with ANTHC. DPA provided ANTHC training and view-only access to EIS. They will check EIS on all FDPIR applicants to ensure they are not receiving food stamps before authorizing FDPIR.

We have also selected representatives from each region to act as liaisons to ANTHC and assist them with questions about individual cases:

· Coastal Region - Sonia Cornejo and Craig Alston

· Northern Region - Jeri Hughes and Don Myles

· Southeast Region - Barbara Hollywood and Gwenda Stewart

· Central Region - Neci Russell and John Ellis

If caseworkers have questions about FDPIR eligibility for a Food Stamp case, they may contact their regional representatives. The regional representative will directly contact ANTHC's FDPIR Coordinator to obtain answers and clarification. Clarissa Moon with Field Services is DPA's FDPIR project lead and will also be able to assist caseworkers with FDPIR questions if any of the regional contacts are not available.

In addition to the granting ANTHC access to EIS and having regional contacts, we have developed new guidelines for caseworkers to follow when processing Food Stamp cases and verifying FDPIR information. The guidelines are outlined in the document attached to this email.

As with every change in process, some unforeseen issues may come up in the workflow as we go through this transition. If you encounter any issues, questions, or concerns, please contact Clarissa Moon at , or at 269-7879.

For more information about FDPIR, visit the Food and Nutrition Service website at: .