Happy Public Assistance Worker Appreciation Week!

This message is being sent to all of you with a special 'thanks' for your dedication, commitment, and willingness to provide assistance to Alaskans in need of our service.

We, as an agency, should celebrate our success for our effort in assisting families to become self-sufficient and providing the service and benefits to ensure Alaskans are fed, sheltered, can heat their homes, and have appropriate medical coverage. It is fitting that Public Assistance Worker Appreciation Week, falls right after our division was just recognized nationally for our successful effort to improve Food Stamp payment accuracy, and not once, but three times, recognized for meeting several of our TANF measurements. There is nothing that says “great job” like a federal bonus to the state for a job well done!

In thinking back, what is memorable is our collective effort to communicate, educate, and learn from each other. Many staff have dedicated time to the Local Quality Council effort to revisit and rethink our business. We share our strengths that we need to sustain, and identify the areas we need to strengthen. Through this process, all staff are represented and have a voice to ensure each staff member can continue to meet our customers needs.

During our celebration, remember to thank those who support and assist you each day. From our contracted staff, to our Job Center partners, we all work together to adjust and adapt to an ever-changing environment keeping our common goal in focus... the customer.

And for my part, perhaps the best way to offer my appreciation is with a sincere THANK YOU. I am so proud be part of the professional and caring staff of Alaska's Division of Public Assistance. It is an honor to work with you.

Thank you for your hard work!
Enjoy your week!
Mary Rogers