Commissioner's Update: We Made It-Our First Day a Success

I am pleased to report that the first day of our reorganization was a success. We had a few blips in the Medicaid check writing process, but if you consider the size and scope of the reorganization effort, our first day was a success. This was due to the work of the employees of this department and the time and effort that went into the reorganization plan. It was no small task-and you deserve congratulations. This is the largest reorganization in our 84-year history as a department, one that we undertook to provide better service to Alaskans.

New DHSS/DPA Website Debuts

Earlier this year, Governor Murkowski issued an administrative order asking that all department websites adopt the "look and feel" of the new state website.

The new look is in place for the department and DPA. There may be some broken links or other issues that should be resolved soon.

Additionally, we will soon be updating DPAweb and the public DPA website to update the new organizational structure.

Commisioner's Update: On The Road & In the News

Over the past two weeks I have been on the road as part of an effort led by the Governor's Office, to discuss the Governor's final budget. I've made dozens of presentations to providers, partners, stakeholders, and the news media, and you have probably seen some of the coverage. I thought that the article that appeared in the June 22 Peninsula Clarion did a good job of explaining our budget, our reorganization, and our future plans. You can view this online at the Peninsula Clarion.