2006 Food Stamp Accuracy Campaign Update

2006 Food Stamp Accuracy Campaign Update

From: Jim Dalman, Chief, Program Integrity and Analysis

Our Better Than Average accuracy campaign quest for 94% food stamp payment accuracy continues. We have completed the first three months sampling and our accuracy rate is 90.7%. A bit better than where we were last month, but still shy of our goal. Achieveing high accuracy takes continuous focus and thoughtful office by office approaches to assuring work quality. It gets harder to dig out if our accuracy rate falls too far early in the year. Success hinges on our steady monthly improvement over the next nine months.

We're facing an even busier time ahead with the demands of the workload analysis. I trust you can continue to be the great jugglers that you are steer through next couple of months with flying colors.

The QA sample results are posted if you'd like see how we're doing at the statewide, regional and district office level. With only the first quarter results in, it's hard to assess trends. Current Report

And the 1st Quarter Stars performing above target goal are:
The Southeast Region keeps flying with 100% accuracy.
The Norhern Region APA unit has a perfect start.
The Coastal Region Field Unit and the Kenai office are error free.
The Central Region to date has all correct cases in Mat-Su and Mat-Su APA. Muldoon is doing great with 97.8%.

Much thanks to these offices for their great performance, and to all for your everyday effort to keep accuracy a priority.