DPA Stars

Here are this month's DPAstars.

We frequently receive letters from caregivers, recipients, and family members expressing their appreciation for this Star's work. Working out of Anchorage, he actively seeks ways to improve our service delivery and build strong teamwork. His peers have described him as: caring, sensitive, professional, knowledgeable, promptly responsive, immensely helpful, without fail respectful to clients and an outstanding public service employee personified. On a personal note he can apparently make a killer chili and love's putting together a potluck just to get his friends and team members together in the office.

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"Just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it." Our second DPAStar this month is truly the person to go to if you need help getting anything done. This Southeastern DPA star has worked for our Division for over 20 years, starting out as a lead Administrative Clerk. He is a model for customer service and has always been faithful to principles of professionalism, integrity, and compassion for the people we serve. He is described as: a nice guy, quiet, friendly, SMART, dedicated, principled, responsive, dependable, with a wonderful sense of humor. On a personal note our star is an avid sci-fi fan. In his spare time he enjoys reviewing regulations and state plans for light reading. And with his love of a good sandwich he has ensured the local Subway Station's sound financial future.

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