IRS, AARP seek volunteers

The Internal Revenue Service and AARP are seeking volunteers to provide free tax assistance in Anchorage and Mat-Su during the tax-filing season. The volunteers prepare federal and state returns for the elderly, disabled, non-English speaking and those with limited incomes.

"No tax or accounting experience is needed, only a desire to help others," said Judy Monahan, IRS spokeswoman. Besides people to prepare returns, they need site assistants, who greet taxpayers and make sure their paperwork is complete, among other tasks.

The IRS and AARP provide free training Jan. 20-23. Last year the state had 81 volunteers, who helped more than 3,000 taxpayers, Monahan said. For more information, call AARP at 1-888-227-7669.

These volunteers are critical to DPA's efforts to help Alaskans take advantage of the Earned Income Tax Credit, please help spread the word.

DPA EITC information is available on the web at: