DPA Stars

First, I want to wish everyone a lovely Thanksgiving holiday. Tomorrow, may we also remember those without bounty. Some Americans tomorrow will eat their Thanksgiving meal in a shelter and will be grateful that someone has provided that opportunity. Some of our clients may be among those or otherwise at tables less bountiful than our own. In other lands, less rich and prosperous than ours, some families will beg tomorrow for food. May we remember them in our prayers and meditations on the day we have set aside, not just for good football, but for thanks to the Giver of all prosperity and blessing.

And now...
Our first November star resides in the land of fun and midnight sun. She has worked for DPA many years. She was here before EIS. This shining star is consistently described by those who know her as a gifted DPA employee. A leader with a strong sense of fairness, this star has inspired those around her to do their best. She has been able to facilitate a team that is very cohesive and is recognized statewide for its excellence. Compassionate, smart, committed, dedicated, thoughtful, and flamboyant are just a few of the words that come to mind to those that know her. This star has worked all around the state in Anchorage, Kodiak and Fairbanks. She has won many awards including the Fairbanks DPA Les Nessman award and DPA Employee of the Year. She loves Ebay, dancing, Ebay, retro clothing, and Ebay. Can you guess who this star is?


Our next star is from Anchorage, you can't count the number of people she has helped to improve their quality of life. She is known as a spitfire that tells it like it is, is quick to take charge and get things done. This star is always willing to do what needs to be done and determined to get the job done right. As friends and co-workers will quickly point out she has a bit of mystery about her though, something to do with New York Salt. Ask her if you pass her way. She's described as the mother that we all miss, a wonderful mom, and a devoted grandma. Can you guess who this star is?


Anthony M. Lombardo, Esq.
Division of Public Assistance