Better than Average Campaign Kickoff!

Greetings All -
I would like to announce the kickoff of our "Better Than Average!" campaign to improve our Food Stamp Program payment accuracy. I know that you've already put a lot of work toward this goal.

I have traveled to many of our offices lately and been impressed with the efforts underway to "scrub" cases, and build the quality of our casework. This gives me great confidence in our collective ability to achieve our campaign goal of having Alaska's Food Stamp error rate be under the national average.

We start each October 1st with perfect 100% accuracy - no error rate. Come September 30, 2004, we want our payment error rate to be less than 7%.

There is much already going on in our Divsion to support this achievement. I appreciate the effort you will bring to this campaign. Knowing you each to be far Better than Average, I look forward to celebrating our successful progress with you. As we embark on our new accuracy campaign, let's pull together and watch the accuracy thermometer rise.

The Division's management team will strive to provide the tools and resources to help you. Look for the Better than Average! link on DPAweb soon to track our statewide progress, and to see monthly updates on how your region and office are doing.

Best wishes to everyone,

Anthony M. Lombardo, Esq.